3 Tragic Reasons Your PPC Campaign Is Not Working And Ways To Fix Them

Softuvo Insider
3 min readFeb 9, 2022

So, you have given in your shot in the PPC campaigns. Spent a good amount of money. But, oops you can’t see any major game up? Don’t be disheartened, it’s not a one-time game, it is a continuous investment. It takes a lot to make your PPC campaigns work.

In this post, we’ll read all about PPC campaigns and how to fix the ones that aren’t working well for your business.

PPC campaigns seek consistent optimization to ensure you drive results out of your investments. Finding the right set of keywords, setting up an account, writing the best ad, and a lot more is needed to set up the perfect PPC campaign. Here we are going to look at some of the reasons why your PPC campaign is failing and the right fixes to your problem.

The Game Of Keywords

It is really important for your target keyword to match with the product or service you are offering. If it doesn’t match, then all you will do is waste your budget on some irrelevant clicks. It is important to understand the user intent while choosing the keyword so as to get the best results.

What’s The Fix?

To make sure the keyword thing works well for you, it is crucial to review the keywords by sorting the costs. Immediately pause the keywords that don’t match the intent of the services or products you are offering. The next thing you can do is review the search term report. Also, add negative keywords for the terms that you don’t want to see in the future. Apart from these quick measures, you must keep a regular check on the potential keywords that can help in your PPC campaigns. Pause and replace the keywords and bring out the best in your campaigns.

Strategize Your Conversion Settings

We all know that conversions are quite an obvious way to analyze the success of your PPC campaign. When the conversions are not set up properly, then it can get difficult to measure the success of your campaigns. Usually, the conversions go wrong when they are either set up wrong or when they are not set up at all. Try to understand that these settings are crucial for the overall success of your account.

What’s The Fix?

One of the best ways to set the conversions right is through Google Analytics. Set up the conversions in Google Ads and you are set to go. In just a few clicks, Google will import conversions for you. All you need to do is review them and make sure that the conversions you want are fully optimized with the Google Ad Campaigns. In case, you don’t want to optimize a particular goal, then simply click the name of the goal in Google Ads, click edit, and then update the “Include in Conversions” settings. It will automatically optimize the conversions for your account.

Lack of Ad Scheduling

Have you scheduled an ad for your campaign? The ad schedule controls automatically control the time of your ads and by default show them 24/7. However, it won’t work best with all the ads and could turn out to be a waste of money.

What’s The Fix?

To fix this, go to your ad schedule setting, then click “More” and the, “Ad Schedule.” In case you have already scheduled an ad, then the data and time would be displayed. And, if not, then you can easily schedule there by clicking the pencil icon. Once this setting is done, your ads will be eligible to run during the selected times.

Bonus Tip: Make sure you keep a check on different time zones so as to ensure that your ads reach the target audience at the right time.

Final Words

The world of PPC keeps on evolving and believe us there is no end to grasping knowledge on PPC. We hope these fixes help in making your PPC campaigns strong and lead to more conversions. Try them and let us know your views.

If you are seeking some professional help, then get in touch with our experts. Have some different thoughts on the topic? Feel free to discuss your views in the comment section below.



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