4 Outdated SEO Practices To Avoid At All Costs

Softuvo Insider
3 min readOct 13, 2021

The world of SEO keeps on updating from time to time. Staying updated with all the latest trends and techniques is quintessential if you want to survive this world. The search engines work on algorithms that help in enhancing the overall user experience. The Google algorithms anything that is spam or low-quality from the website. In short, as a marketer, it is vital for you to stay updated with the latest trends and techniques of SEO to maintain the quality of the website and stay ahead of your competitors.

However, there are a few outdated SEO practices that are still prelevant but should be avoided. Let’s find out the details.

Writing For The Bots

If you think that writing for the bots is user-friendly, then you are wrong! Repeating the keywords, again and again, will never add up to good content. The search engine algorithms are strong enough to detect if the content is repeating a keyword and categorize it as low-quality or bad content. When writing the content, keep in mind your audience not the bots or search engine crawlers. If you want to attract more users to your site, then start crafting content that in a natural way that is easily understandable to both the audience and the search engine algorithms.

Article Spinning

The process of article spinning is done to recreate the quality content using different phrases, words, and organization. This is a black hat technique that is done usually with the software. Basically, it is messy content made using the same points of the source material. Well, believe us, it doesn’t work anymore! While it is true that technology has got a lot smarter than it used to be, it still cannot create the quality of content that humans can produce.

Overuse Of Anchor Text

We all know that internal linking is considered to be a great characteristic of a site structure as well as for the user experience. But, how is it done? Well, it is done using the anchor text with an HTML element that helps the users to identify what content they will be viewing if they click on the link. There are various types of anchor texts like — exact-match, branded, naked, page title/headline, and more, but not all can be used in every situation. In the past, using the keyword-rich and exact-match anchor text was the standard SEO technique widely used by marketers. But, Google has now started identifying the over-optimized content, so if you are just optimizing the content for search engines and not humans, then your technique is likely to fail.

Third-Party Domain Authority Scores

Do you rely a lot on third-party sites for content distribution campaigns and link-building? If you are making these contributions simply by checking the domain authority score, then you need to dig a little deeper to ensure that the website you are contacting is valuable to your campaign. Analyze, is the content on the website relevant to what you are posting? Is the website receiving enough organic traffic? Are the incoming links that are coming to the website relevant? The domain authority scores can surely help in filtering quality sites. But, remember, they are not the only factor to rely on for your marketing strategy.

Key Takeaways

Well, if you are still continuing with the outdated SEO tactics then it may surely feel like an easy win, but it’s not going to give you fruitful results. In this competitive world today, less effort in marketing is equal to no effort. To gain an edge over your competitors, you should avoid anything that is considered spam or low-quality to ensure the safety of your site and search engine rankings. Stay updated and bring out the best of your marketing techniques. Best of luck!



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