How Artificial Intelligence Is Shaping The World Of Digital Marketing

Softuvo Insider
4 min readMay 23, 2020
Technology changing the digital marketing world.

Artificial Intelligence doesn’t fail to impress us! The technology works just like a human brain would work, and that makes it more interesting. According to recent studies, it has been revealed that more than 48% of the marketers are already using the technology. The figures clearly state that the future of technology is extremely inevitable. One of the popular examples of companies using artificial intelligence is Amazon. The company uses technology to personalize the shopping experiences of the people and influence their buying decisions. Simply wonderful, isn’t it? Who would have thought that technology will play such an influencing role in our lives?

Artificial Intelligence is transforming customer services by enhancing the user experience and increasing efficiency. Chatbots are a popular example of the technology. The use of chatbots has completely eliminated the need of humans to interact with the audiences, the technology does it all!

Today, we will discuss how artificial intelligence is helping in enhancing the brand-customer relationship and upgrading the digital marketing game. We have listed a few ways that can help you in creating powerful marketing strategies. Read out the details!


Speaking of personalization companies like — Amazon and Netflix tops the chart. Artificial Intelligence helps in influencing the buying behavior of the customers by providing product recommendations. Amazon is a technology-driven company that shows product recommendations to the customers and engages them with the brand. Based on the search patterns of the users, the recommendations are given. This clearly shows how personalization can influence customers and roll profits.

So, what can you do to add personalization?

  • Set individual preferences and increase user engagement by delivering tailored content.
  • You can promote your brand by sending personalized emails.
  • Personalized push notifications can also be sent to the customers.

Content Engagement

We all feel awestruck when we see great content. Curating quality content for the website is daunting but essential. To engage with your audiences on a daily basis, you need to post informative content on your website. This can be blog posts, catchy headlines, animated images, news updates, and more. Not just that, you can also attract your customers with exciting offers with catchy headlines. This will do wonders!

Now, you must be wondering, how Artificial Intelligence helps in all this? The technology helps the website owners to collect users data and provide them with information on what likely is going to keep them engaged. There are various tools like — Alter that run on AI-powered mode and helps in figuring the user’s data. Basically, it analyzes the user behavior when they visit your site and guide the owners to incorporate the best approach to engage with the users. Not just that, Alter also helps in integrating major email marketing platforms to turn the site readers into email subscribers.

Email Marketing

Emails are the heart and soul of communication in the business world. Most businesses run their chains of communication on emails only. The power of Artificial Intelligence can boost your email engagement and work wonders for your business. Wondering, how? Well, AI focuses on understanding user behavior and preferences.

Artificial Intelligence technology is so smart that it can collect millions of data from the users. It helps you figure out the right time and way to interact with the users. Not just that, it also guides you with the type of emails that get the most clicks and what emails are most likely to get ignored. Analyzing these metrics will help you frame the best emails and boost your digital marketing games.

There is nothing wrong to say that artificial intelligence is your best friend when it comes to emails.

Digital Advertising

Technology today has changed the way businesses advertise, and digital advertising is the perfect example of this. Companies like — Google Ad platforms and Facebook that use artificial intelligence to understand the user’s desired actions and help in altering the content accordingly. For this, they take analysis like — user interests, user information, demographics, and other aspects to learn about their behavior.

Well, it is important for businesses to send the right messages to the right audiences. Artificial intelligence and big data technology help in hitting the ads to the right audiences. These complex algorithms take place in the system and what the users see is nicely curated ads.

Wrapping Up

Artificial intelligence has a long way to go! If you are planning to up your digital marketing game, then this technology will be of big help! Explore and head on to the path of revolutionary online success.



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